The Waldo County Climate Action Coalition (WCCAC) grew out of a three-year Institute of Museum and Library Services Federal Grant project of the Belfast Free Library, All of Belfast Climate Dialogues (ABCD). ABCD focused on encouraging community conversations and education about the climate crisis. At the final ABCD presentation, many participants expressed an interest in continuing to work together for community climate action. ABCD was the springboard for WCCAC to come together as a coalition to take action by issuing an invitation to multiple organizations to meet in November of 2023. Over twenty-five people attended the first meeting and we have been meeting monthly since.
All of Belfast Climate Dialogues project final presentation, August 2023.
[email protected] MAILING ADDRESS Waldo County Climate Action Coalition c/o Belfast Free Library 106 High Street Belfast, Maine 04915 FOLLOW US |
JoIn usORGANIZATIONS: Is your group interested in joining the Coalition? Learn more and apply here.
INDIVIDUALS: Are you interested in volunteering to support our mission? Please get in touch! DonateWe welcome contributions to help with outreach and event costs. Please make checks payable to: Belfast Free Library, with "WCCAC donation" in the memo line. Mail to Belfast Free Library, 106 High Street, Belfast ME 04915. Thank you for your support!
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