Waldo County Climate Action Coalition is approaching 20 member organizations and continues to grow!
Check out the latest news of our activities and events, and learn more about WCCAC and the benefits of joining the Coalition. |
[email protected] MAILING ADDRESS Waldo County Climate Action Coalition c/o Belfast Free Library 106 High Street Belfast, Maine 04915 FOLLOW US |
JoIn usORGANIZATIONS: Is your group interested in joining the Coalition? Learn more and apply here.
INDIVIDUALS: Are you interested in volunteering to support our mission? Please get in touch! DonateWe welcome contributions to help with outreach and event costs. Please make checks payable to: Belfast Free Library, with "WCCAC donation" in the memo line. Mail to Belfast Free Library, 106 High Street, Belfast ME 04915. Thank you for your support!
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