Community CompostingThe citizen-led Community Composting Collaborative has been working since early 2023 to find a location for a Belfast community compost drop-off site. In July 2024, the City Council approved the Collaborative’s proposal to have a one-year trial at the Belfast Transfer Station, administered by ScrapDogs. The program started on November 1st. Citizens of Belfast are now able to drop off their food scraps for free - and can subscribe for a fee to pick up finished compost. Read here for full details.
This effort grew out of educational programming through All of Belfast Climate Dialogues, Belfast Garden Club and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast Climate Action Team. |
Plastic Pollution SolutionsThe appalling sight of plastic litter along our shorelines prompted the 2023 group of Penobscot Bay Stewards (part of the Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition) to form the Plastic Pollution Solutions committee. They are focused on removing single-use plastic utensils, straws, etc. from the waste stream.
The group is building community support through education to raise awareness and talking with Belfast restaurants. They hope to pass a future ordinance banning single-use plastic food service items in Belfast. |
Calling all individuals, organizations and businesses with interest or expertise in waste stream solutions!
We invite you to get in touch to volunteer in our efforts, or join as a member organization. |
[email protected] MAILING ADDRESS Waldo County Climate Action Coalition c/o Belfast Free Library 106 High Street Belfast, Maine 04915 FOLLOW US |
JoIn usORGANIZATIONS: Is your group interested in joining the Coalition? Learn more and apply here.
INDIVIDUALS: Are you interested in volunteering to support our mission? Please get in touch! DonateWe welcome contributions to help with outreach and event costs. Please make checks payable to: Belfast Free Library, with "WCCAC donation" in the memo line. Mail to Belfast Free Library, 106 High Street, Belfast ME 04915. Thank you for your support!
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